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War in Iraq
Erin's Thoughts

"America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining." - American President George W. Bush

The United States of America has used the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks as a reason to start two major wars, in Afghanistan and now Iraq. War has always been the way that the United States solved its problems. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq (George Bush Sr.), Afghanistan and Iraq (George Bush Jr.) are all conflicts that could have been avoided by using diplomacy. Diplomacy seems to be a technique that the USA feels is out of date. The United Nations was attempting to solve the weapons of mass distruction issue in Iraq through inspections and international pressure. The United States decided that this technique was not getting the proper results and decided to enter a war against Iraq with one of its only remaining allies, Great Britain.

The United States has basically done whatever it wants in regards to foreign policy now that it is the only remaining true super power. After the fall of the Soviet Union the United States found itself at the top of the world, with no one capable of bringing them down. The United States is not afraid of any country and wants to make sure it stays that way. The United States and Russia have the most Nuclear weapons in the world, even though they claim to be downsizing their load. The USA, however, proceeds to bully other countries so that they never develope nuclear weapons and if they have them the US is attempting to take them out (like in Iraq). Countries like Iran and North Korea that are developing nuclear weapons are under constant threat of the United States and God only knows what will happen if they obtain these weapons.

The United States called Iraq a threat to the United States and the people of the world because it had a tyrant leader and the possible nuclear capability. Iraq is not the only Middle Eastern country that has nuclear capablity. In a region that is as unstable the Bush administrations lies Pakistan, Isreal, Palestine and if you extend the boarders of the Middle East, India all have Nuclear Capabilities. Then there is Saudi Arabia, Serbia and Iran that could very well have obtained nuclear weapons without alerting the world about it. The United States cannot possible justify the war in Iraq through the threat of nuclear weapons.

The United States also claims that Suddam Huissian had ties to September 11th and therefore Al Quada. It is common international knowledge that Osama bin Laden and Suddam Hussien hate each other because of their very different beliefs. England, who gave the United States such intellegence, has admitted that there are no links to Suddam Hussein and September 11th as previously assumed. Well, isn't that obvious. The United States has justified a war in which 350+ Americans have died and countless Iraqi citizens over two facts that have now been proven to be false. There have been no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq in the many months that the American Armed forces have occupied it and Britain has admitted to given America false intelligence regarding Suddam's link to terrorism.However, the United States continues to fight off Iraqi terrorist as we speak.

There were barely any terrorists in Iraq before the Americans arrived but now they are flocking in from all over the Middle East. Iraq is the perfect spot for real terrorists to kill Americans. These terrorists may not even belong to large organizations like Al Quada although im sure the majority of them do. The United States now has a Vietnam style conflict on its hands and the media is covering it simularily to how they covered Vietnam. They are being told that America has won the war and that everything is under control in Iraq but in reality sense the war 'ended' more men have been killed then during the conflict stage. We are now averaging one American death a day. How much longer must Americans suffer? and what are they suffering for?

The real answer is oil. The United States has always wanted Iraqi oil and now they have it. They can set up a government in Iraq that will have to trade oil with them at cheap prices. The United States has used Americans emotions towards September 11th and minipulated them into believing a war in Iraq is to avenge September 11th and to liberate the people of Iraq. If we truly cared so much about the people of Iraq why did we just leave them behind after the end of the first Gulf War. They were willing to be liberated from Suddam Hussien and saw the Americans as heros that were attempting to do so. Now, they see the United States as just another tyrant attempting to control their country. No wonder they are killing American soldiers. They are fighting for their freedom.

I am a Canadian citizen and am not anti-American. I am not even anti-war. I am only against unjust wars like the ones that are in the news everyday. I feel that other wars, including World War II, were necessary.